Report on Dementia with Christine Waymark

Feature on Dementia is produced in collaboration with Christine Waymark, a Vancouver therapist who developed dementia. With agreement from her family, I produced the project to acknowledge Christine’s generosity towards my troubled family member.
The Alzheimer’s Society published a story Christine wrote about her wife Robbin Rennie who had Alzheimers and died in 2015. Both were registered clinical counsellors and founded the Dragonstone Counselling firm 40 years ago after both being fired for being lesbian.
In 2018, after Christine received her own diagnosis, we talked about her life, loves, attitudes and achievements. Christine said this newsletter was a concrete way to hang onto her life. “I can hold something tangible while my memories are disintegrating. I know I’ll forget otherwise. I like to remember loving my wife Robin, and Dragonstone, the firm we built together. It’s good to see my loves in life mirrored back to me. “
Family is Like Skin- Lesbians in Cambodia 6 minutes
This movie features long term lesbian couples who survived the Khmer Rouge genocide of the 1970s, as well as young activists who sometimes face societal discrimination. Many had never left their rural villages before. Unique considerations of Cambodian lesbians include the importance of family acceptance, staying with your family, and living in a Buddhist country where homosexuality is not criminalized. See more Stromberg’s movies here
Messenger Band records hit song for sex worker movie soundtrack
(Sex Workers Cry) Rights Not Rescue, the movie collaboration with Women’s Network for Unity (WNU -Cambodia) and Canadian filmmaker Paula Stromberg features the hit song, Sex Work is Work, by Messenger Band (MB).
Messenger Band (MB) is a group of garment workers who formed an all-female group of musicians (part of United Sisterhood Alliance) to carry messages about social justice. Shown above are members of Messenger Band and United Sisterhood during a performance tour.
Report 0n Dementia Christine Waymark